Kristin Clark, VP, Business Banking Development Officer
Kristin Clark has been promoted to Vice President, Business Banking Development Officer at Merrimack County Savings Bank (The Merrimack). She was previously The Merrimack’s Business Banking Development Officer. Clark is based out of the Bank’s Business Center in Concord on 190 North Main Street.
“Small business lending has greatly expanded under Kristin’s leadership,” said Mary Lynne Rahlson, Senior Vice President, Retail Banking Services Officer. “Her drive and enthusiasm has cultivated many meaningful business relationships. With 27 years of retail banking experience, she draws from a strong background, providing products and services that best meet our customers’ needs. We’re excited to promote Kristin.”
“I’m very passionate about service and it has been an honor to watch our clients succeed. I’m proud to be part of a company so dedicated to giving back,” noted Clark.
Clark competed and won the Judges’ Choice Awards at the 2019 Dancing with the Concord Stars, benefitting the Presidents’ Fund at NH Technical Institute. She will be returning to NHTI’s 10th anniversary event in January 2020 to compete as a dance champion.
Clark was also an active volunteer with Families in Transition. She was a long-time volunteer of the Lakes Region community, donating time to the Lakes Region United Way and the Wolfeboro Children’s Center. Additionally, she served as Chair for Belmont Senior Center.
Clark joined The Merrimack in 2014 as Assistant Branch Manager, and was later promoted to Branch Services Manager in 2015 and Mortgage Originator in 2017. In 2018, she became Business Banking Development Officer.